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Sweet But Deadly Reducing Sugar in Packaged Foods Could Prevent Heart Disease

Sweet But Deadly Reducing Sugar in Packaged Foods Could Prevent Heart Disease

Sugar is probably the sweetest word ever sound. 


When you heard “sugar” that might trigger some reaction out of your memory like, sweet, cute, candy, soothe, fancy, or some evergreen 1969 song by The Archies. All of the above are associate with the word Sugar. But as sweet and cute as it sounds sugar can be deadly. Sugar is addictive and destructive. if you consuming in a long period of time it will take a toll on your health.

The Sugar Film (2004)

Have you seen That Sugar Film (2014) an Australian documentary directed by and starring Damon Gameau. For this documentary, Damon experiments on Himself changing from his normal diet containing no refined sugar to a ‘health-conscious’ diet low in fat but high in sugar, and as viewers, We follow that journey. As the experiment progress, Damon gained weight, grew lethargic, and developed fatty liver disease. An Interview with an Expert said all that health problems happened due to change to the high level of sugar he was ingesting. When Damon returned to his previous diet, the ill effects from consuming too much sugar were quickly reversed.

Packaged Foods

More recently a new study has found that cutting 20 percent of sugar from packaged foods and 40 percent from beverages could prevent 2.48 million cardiovascular disease events such as strokes, heart attacks, and cardiac arrests annually. This study was conducted in the United State by a team of researchers from

Massachusetts General Hospital, the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy at Tufts University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in the study published in ScienceDaily stated that reducing the sugar content of commercially prepared foods and beverages will have a large impact on health.

A Little back to the documentary That Sugar Film (2014) The viewers are introduced to the “bliss point”, a term coined in the 1960s which applies here to the amount of sugar you can add to a portion of food to make it optimally desirable. Adding more sugar beyond the “bliss point” leads to a significant drop in desirability and if violated can lead to obesity and diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Product reformulation efforts.

Outside Indonesia

Countries such as the UK, Norway, and Singapore are taking the lead on sugar-reformulation efforts in the implementation of strong sugar-reduction policies.

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