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Developing a bioeconomy in Indonesia: Identification of novel microorganisms and microbial enzymes from Indonesian’s peatlands and buffaloes to improve bioconversion of oil palm residues.

Awarded to Amadeus Pribowo, PhD

Our Laboratory

Food Technology & Food Science and Nutrition

The Food Laboratory aims to aid students in expanding their understanding of the biological, chemical, physical, sensory, nutritional and engineering properties of foods and beverages. The Laboratory is well-equipped with modern processing and analytical tools that will allow students to have hands-on experience and improve their skills. The facilities provided are ideal to support research and innovation in the food sector.

Molecular Biology

This Laboratory is specifically arranged and equipped with specific tools for students to learn and experience how to work with molecular biology samples. There are two major fields of laboratory study that can be done in this particular laboratory which are DNA and Protein study & analysis. In this laboratory, students are assisted to collect, work, and analyze data from different types of DNA samples. We provide many kinds of DNA extraction kits to help students work with DNA sample in an advanced approach. The equipment available in this laboratory allows students to be familiar with essential skills and methods in working with DNA, such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Extraction, etc. This laboratory has the facility for both traditional PCR and Real-Time PCR for which are very well-known and commonly used in scientific research work for vicarious research study. Knowing and mastering these skills will be a great benefit for future professional work approach. The other major field of laboratory study that is also emphasized in this laboratory facility is Protein study and analysis. This field of study requires the skills of protein purification, protein immunoblot, etc., which can be facilitated in this laboratory. Protein Immunoblot or more known as Western Blotting is an essential skills and analysis method for protein study, and very well used in professional research work in scientific field as well as in pharmaceutical industries.

General Chemistry

General Chemistry Laboratory is the main lab where all the chemicals for any experimental or research purposes are being stored. The laboratory itself can accommodate more students so that the laboratory activity is more comfortable and conducive. The general chemistry experiment, sample preparation, and chemical reaction observation is mainly done in this laboratory. General Chemistry laboratory is facilitated with instruments necessary to handle different types of chemical, from basic chemicals to toxic and hazardous chemicals. We aim to introduce students with chemicals with different characters and different level of hazardous in order for the students to learn how to treat every chemical commonly used with proper safety. General Chemistry Laboratory is also complimented with safety equipment such as emergency shower and emergency eye wash to prioritize the safety of all students. Besides all the chemicals available for many basic and analytical chemistry experiments, this laboratory is the main storage for many kinds of glassware that is required to perform sample preparation and chemistry experiment. This laboratory provides different sizes and shapes of glassware, along with materials to accommodate any kinds of experiments that may be conducted in the laboratory.


Microbiology Laboratory is the laboratory designed to perform any experimental study mainly related to bacteria and other microbial organisms. The laboratory is also complimented with various samples of organisms to be observed under the microscope for cell anatomy, function, and character observation. Different skills on how to handle and work with bacterial samples are performed in this particular laboratory. There are specific techniques and treatment to handle these type of samples with safety and in a proper way, and this laboratory provides all the tools and instrument needed. This laboratory accommodates things that are required to maintain the environment for microbiological study to be done properly. There are instruments like biosafety cabinet available to avoid contamination the working area and to localize the working area for bacterial samples.

Analytical Chemistry

This particular lab is arranged to perform all the analytical experiment which require specific instruments. In this laboratory we have Spectrophotometer, and HPLC instrument. These instruments performs experimental analysis on various samples depending on the objectives of the experiment. Spectrophotometer is a tool for measuring the absorbance of different substances in a form of solution. HPLC or High Performance Liquid Chromatography is an analytical chemistry instrument that collects data based on the concept of the separation of substance according to their different characteristic. These are all the examples of instruments which are advanced in their design to give good quality data. These will promote and advance the analytical skills of students for various study approach. This laboratory is also equipped with AKTA Protein Purification System Instrument. This instrument is a very specific and advanced technique in protein study using chromatography and flow filtration concept. This gives access to students in developing skills in science and manufacturing.

Analytical Chemistry II

The main purpose of this laboratory is to provide the tools and area for the study of human anatomy. The laboratory have several human skeleton and body parts models to visualize the lecture in more details and preciseness. This will give students the chance to experience direct learning activity of the related subject. The laboratory is also equipped with various tools for self-observation in learning how body reacts and functions. Besides human anatomy properties, this laboratory also has Kjeldahl apparatus and soxhlet apparatus. Kjeldahl apparatus is for protein study from various samples which allows students to observe, measure, and analyze the protein composition in samples. This apparatus is designed automatic and students can learn how to operate and maintain every aspect of the instrument to run properly. Soxhlet apparatus is for fat study where fat is extracted from samples using automatic program that is set accordingly as needed, depending on the condition and character of samples. Students will be trained to operate the instrument and to do analytical observation to determine the desired optimal result. This laboratory encourages students to think and to be practical in different field of studies.

Cell Culture I & Cell Culture II

Cell Culture Laboratory is exclusive for any experimental study or research that deals with mammalian cell. Students will be introduced and assisted to work with different kind of mammalian cells. This laboratory is equipped with Biosafety Cabinet that provides sterile environment which is required in working with mammalian cell. In addition, we also provide small scale bioreactor to support the up-scalling part of the cell culture lab, if needed. The main objective of this laboratory is to accommodate the proper environment and equipment to grow the mammalian cell culture for further observation and treatment. The skills to be performed in this laboratory work is to understand the characteristic of each type of cell, how to maintain the cells for appropriate growth, design treatments, cells observation and cell counting, etc. The students are not only assisted and trained to handle the sample properly, but also to handle each equipment properly in order to keep them perform optimally. The Cell Culture II laboratory is the secondary cell culture laboratory where most of the samples, reagent, and stock chemical related with cell culture are stored.

Teaching Lab (6th Floor)

This is the newest teaching laboratory that is available where will accommodate up to a hundred of students. This is the largest science laboratory in the institution and is equipped with various laboratory supplies and instruments. This laboratory provides greater number of glassware for different experiments and advanced instruments such as inverted microscopes, good quality apparatus, pH meter, etc. This laboratory is considered multipurpose laboratory due to its availability and its facility to accommodate different type of laboratory works and lectures.

Pilot Plant

The state-of the art pilot plant is designed to be used for teaching, research, and industry projects. It aims to provide a vital resource for food companies that are just starting up or are evaluating new formulation, processes, and product lines. Additionally, the pilot plant provides an ideal environment for students to learn about food processing and have the ability to work in an operating production facility. The space is designed to be versatile, with an open floor plan incorporating both stationary and mobile equipment. Features of the pilot plant include: HTST pasteurizer, spray dryer, freeze dryer, vacuum packaging, vacuum frying, extruder, ice cream machine, ovens and temperature controlled storage.

Sensory Laboratory

The Sensory Laboratory aims to provide training and hands-on learning experience to students as well as help food businesses develop and improve their product offering through consumer and sensory testing. The testing area is equipped with eight booths with individually controlled lights and sensory data collection workstations. The laboratory also comes with a focus group training room. The sensory laboratory can be used to conduct sensory evaluation and consumer product research, with services including consumer acceptability, preference and discrimination testing.

Modern Kitchen

The modern kitchen is designed for efficient preparation and presentation of various food. It is equipped with the latest equipment including the Rational oven, a six burner gas range, grill, deep fryers, double convection ovens, mixer, blender, chillers and a range of pans and stockpots. The kitchen is ideal to be used for any production requirement ranging from simple condiments, soups and sauces to complex food products.

Together we improve the quality of life

Key Areas


This research unit is dedicated to address local health problems with potentially global impact, such as the use of stem cell in tissue regeneration, isolation of components from the Indonesian Biodiversity with potential health enhancing properties, and infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.


This research unit is dedicated to improving food properties, food security, and novel agricultural approaches to provide sufficient food for the Indonesian population. Projects in this center will look at cheap alternatives to traditional farming, which can be implemented on a household level, isolation of food additives from natural sources to improve nutritional status of existing products, and novel food product development.


This research unit is dedicated to environmental problems such as pollution, waste management and sanitation. Project will look for (waste) water purification and urban waste recycling within the Jakarta region as well as provide new solutions for national problems, such as reuse of industrial and agricultural waste. Additionally, biotechnology approaches will be applied in this center by exploring rich natural resources of Indonesia to find bacteria and enzymes to convert organic waste to bio-energy or healthy alternatives to chemical fertilizers.


This unit is to support all basic and applied research to better comprehend large datasets generated during the execution of theprojects. Independently funded projects aim to map out the biodiversity of Indonesia as well as implement comprehensive epidemiological studies. The main focus is to support and assist R&D at i3L and local industries.



PI: Amadeus Pribowo, PhD
Co-PI: Irnayuli Sitepu, PhD
Research Team: Kyria Boundy-Mills, PhD (UC Davis, USA)
Interns: Sanjeevini Pertiwi, Florencia Dewanto, Jeremy Gunawan, Joshua Viryawan, Margaret, Nurufitri Wisetyaningsih (i3L Students); Michael Aleman, BS (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA)

Project Description
In this USAID funded project i3L will map out micro-organisms in the peatlands of Indonesia. Microbes have been of great interest to biotechnology, biomedicine, food science and food technology industries for their ability to produce proteins with biological activity, such as enzymes and antibiotics. The focus of the project will be on discovering novel enzymes to convert palm oil waste to economical valuable products such as biofuels.


PI: Solmaz Aslanzadeh, PhD
Research Team: Victor de Vries, PhD
Interns: Margaret, Gio Fidelito, Clara Angela, Gili Heriawan, Inge Kumalasari Sudibjo, Johnatan Adriel (i3L Students)

Project Description
In this project i3L scientists aims to uncover reasons for mysterious massive fish die-off, which occurred in Jakarta in December 2015. Many hypotheses have been proposed and scientifically rejected over the past several months. Our aim is to investigate this phenomenon, reveal its causes, and estimate the economic and social impact. i3L’s long term goal is to routinely monitor Jakarta bay area to prevent future fish kills.


PI: Siti Muslimatun, PhD
Research Team: Yohanes Raditya Wardhana, PhD; Iwan Setiawan, PhD
Interns: Hardiani Alexandra, Mika Kuno, Prita Ashilola (i3L Students)

Project Description
This project focuses on waste management and food security. Urban Farming, in particular ver-tical farming, is an excellent way of growing crops for consumption on a small surface area. Crops, cultivated in certain areas of Jakarta, are known to accumulate toxins, such as heavy metals, due to pollution of the soil the crops are grown on. The goal is to develop a cost effective method accessible to low and middle income families to grow their own healthy crops at home for a supplement diet.


PI: Ezra Bernardus Wijaya, MSc
Research Team: Iwan Surjawan, PhD; Iwan Setiawan, PhD; Victor De Vries, PhD
Interns: Muhammad Fachrul, Annisa Muthiah Sukirman, Mika Kuno, Ryan Widjaja, Nausheen Bhat, Rhaechell (i3L Students)

Project Description
This project i3L aims to study the potential value of endogenous algae species for food and medical purposes through computational analysis. We are looking for natural components that can be used as food supplements or novel, active drug principles.

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