i3l Virtual Job Fair 2020 was the
first job fair from the Center of Student Development (CSD) that was fully held
online. Previously, i3L had succeeded in organizing two different job fairs,
but due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this year we decided to conduct the
event virtually. CSD understood that, in these trying times, the intensity of
competition for work in the job market is increasing. Through this event, CSD
aimed to ease the job searching process especially for life science, business
and pharmacy graduates.
The 4-day event allowed job
seekers to apply to the vacancies directly via the event’s website. The
participants were also welcomed to join profile sessions from top companies
such as BD, Nutrifood and Medion, to better understand the working environment
and the inner workings of each company, and also an in-depth discussion about
the industry in general. Approximately 65 participants from 16 different
universities joined the event.
CSD hopes to continue providing
more events like this as a means to actively partake in reducing the
unemployment rate in Indonesia, primarily in the Jabodetabek area, in these
times of uncertainty. Our next event will hopefully take place in March 2021.