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We learnt that it is okay to be productive, and even obligatory but we should not overwork ourselves to the point we are drained.
Business Division of SCi (Student Council of i3L)
Sci Adulting 101

SCi Headlines - Adulting 101

Adulting 101 is a workshop by the SCi’s Learning and Development division in collaboration with the Business division and several Clubs and Communities. This workshop was planned to help the attendees gain insights during the adulting process. In order to help the participants learn more, the workshop was conducted for 2 days on 2 Saturdays.

Sci Adulting 101 Large

On Saturday, 13th of November 2021, the first day of the workshop began. The topic for this talk show was Quarter Life Crisis: The Toxicity of Hustle Culture, with Anandre Forastero Psychologist | Human Capital Manager as the speaker. From the talk show, we learnt that it is okay to be productive, and even obligatory but we should not overwork ourselves to the point we are drained. Thus, we should still take breaks and it is okay to have leisure time once in a while. On the second day, which is on 20th of November, the topic was Personal Financial Management: Secure Your Future brought by Axel Efraim, who is a Finance Executive and Lead Mentor at Ternak Uang. In this session, the participants learn to manage their income into some parts for them to have savings in the future. Hence, we learnt some good ways to  spend some money on the things we want but we must remember to save it as well.


Overall, more than 300 participants from i3L and the public joined the Adulting 101 workshop and have gained a lot of insights useful for their mental health, productivity, finance management. This new knowledge will help them to be well-prepared adults. Make sure to not miss the next Adulting 101 Workshop!

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