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About Us

Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) is a premium life sciences higher education and research institute located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, i3L offers 7 undergraduate programs through the i3L School of Life Sciences, including Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Food Science and Nutrition, Food Technology, and Pharmacy. The i3L School of Business offers 2 undergraduate programs in International Business Management and Innovation & Entrepreneurship, along with a graduate program in Master of BioManagement.

i3L’s vision is to be a leading and globally-connected interdisciplinary institution that impacts society through science and innovation.

In order to realize its vision, i3L strives to leverage national resources to accelerate Indonesia’s competitiveness in the global landscape. With its top-quality faculty, state-of-the-art facilities and global collaborations with academics, industries, communities and governments, i3L focuses on providing a unique, interdisciplinary and integrative learning environment to shape a new generation of leaders and entrepreneurial scientists.

Greetings From Our Rector

On behalf of our faculties and staff, greetings to i3l Community. Although i3L is considered as a young institute, our faculties, students, and alumni have managed to carve many achievements at the national, regional and international levels. Within 8 years since the Institute is founded, we have managed to increase our national accreditation from Good to Very Good and we believe that this is only the beginning of our journey in pursuing excellence.

i3L is committed to provide high-quality education, research, and cutting-edge innovations to serve the industry and to educate future scientists, entrepreneurs, and leaders. We pride ourselves on being a globally connected institution with plethora of international programs to offer students who are preparing to enter upon the world stage.

Katherine, S.T., Ph.D.
Rector of i3L

Rector’s Annual Report

i3L is releasing a yearly rector’s report, showcasing highlights of our achievements, research, and events.


“To become a leading interdisciplinary higher education institution that is globally connected and directly impacts the society through science and innovation.”



To deliver an inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary education in life sciences at an international level, as well as to support the development of our students’ scientific and entrepreneurship thinking in accordance to their disciplines.


To conduct collaborative research and development activities in life sciences and business with other higher education institutions, the business sector, and the government.


To develop innovations in life sciences and implement to improve Indonesia’s quality of life.


To maintain a continued collaboration with the government and both local and international higher education institutions in order to implement the Tridharma activities.

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