Chromosomes are structures composed of DNA and other molecules in which genetic material is stored. The name chromosome comes from the words chroma which means color and soma which means body.
Chromosomes always consist of a pair of genes. Following are the characteristics of chromosomes:
1. Only visible when cells divide
2. Has a length of 0.2 to 20 microns
3. Chromosomes in prokaryotic cells have only one chromosome and are not located in the nucleus of the cell
4. Semi-eukaryotic chromosomes, the number varies according to the type of organism and is found in the nucleus
5. Has a chemical composition in the form of protein, DNA, and RNA.
Chromosomes have the following functions:
This will show the nature and uniqueness of each individual.
As an example below the chromosomes that determine traits other than sex are called X and Y chromosomes. If the embryo’s chromosome is XX, then it is female. If the chromosome is XY, then he will be born a boy.
The chromosomes will ensure that each cell has the same genes.
Chromosomes are always paired and have the same shape. Chromosomes consist of the following parts:
Chromonema: a spiral band with thickening
Chromomeres: thickening of the chromonema
Centromere: the narrowest part of the chromosome and the lighter place. This section does not contain genes
The second indentation: the site of the formation of the nucleus
Telomere: the end of the chromosome that prevents the end of the chromosome from connecting with another chromosome.
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