As Top Scholars Well rounded students means that the student are not just academically strong but are actively participate in various activities won competitions, write journals , etc.
Congratulations to all 3 On your achievements as well rounded students!
Well rounded students means that you are not just academically strong but you are actively participate in various activities won competitions, write journals , etc.
We are proud of all i3L students as all of you have been doing a brilliant job though out the year! And we are now proudly announce
Top Scholar Award AY 2021 – 2022 for Cohort 2019, Cohort 2020, and Cohort 2021
i3L Cohort 2019 Business & Entrepreneurship @i3lschoolofbusiness Ni Ketut Candra P i3L Cohort 2020 Biomedicine @i3L_official Olivia Putri i3L Cohort 2021 International Business Management @i3lschoolofbusiness Valeria Putri A