The Journey Matters More than the Goals
In life, we set goals like getting fit, starting a business, finding peace, or bonding with loved ones. We break these into steps for achievement. Surprisingly, our success often relies more on our routines and habits—our systems—than the goals themselves. While goals give direction and motivation, it is actually our consistent and effective systems that drive us toward success.
Here’s the interesting question: If you disregarded your goals entirely and concentrated solely on your system, would you still achieve success? (The answer is… Yes, you would!)
For instance, the aim of any sport is to achieve the highest score, but it would be impractical to spend the entire game fixated on the scoreboard. The real path to victory lies in continual improvement each day through our practice. The score takes care of itself.
Some problems associated with focusing on goals include:
People often assume that successful individuals achieved their goals due to their ambition, ignoring others with similar goals who didn’t succeed.
Reaching a goal may briefly change your life, but it doesn’t address the underlying systems causing those results. Sustainable improvements come from changing systems.
Focusing solely on goals postpones happiness until reaching a milestone. Embracing the process allows for satisfaction along the way, leading to happiness.
A goal-focused mindset may lead to reverting to old habits after achieving a goal. Long-term progress comes from continuous improvement and commitment to the process, not just reaching a single goal.
So, let’s shift our focus from merely chasing goals to building robust systems that support our growth and progress. After all, it’s the journey that shapes us and defines our path to success.
Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits. Penguin Publishing Group.
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