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The Pharmacy and Biomedicine Study Programs of i3L collaborated on an internal ideation competition aimed to encourage students’ innovation on skincare product development.
apt. Alya Ghina Aqila Arham, MSc
Faculty Member of Pharmacy Study Program
Skincare Ideation Competition (SKINOVATION) Awarding Ceremony

Skincare Ideation Competition (SKINOVATION) Awarding Ceremony

SKINOVATION is an internal i3L competition aimed to encourage students’ innovative mindset and brilliant ideas on skincare product development. The theme of this year’s SKINOVATION is “Skincare for Acne Treatment and Prevention”.


SKINOVATION began in April 2021, with pre-mentoring sessions on innovation, acne pathophysiology and current trends, as well as skincare product development. From there, participants were required to develop their ideas and submit their proposals. Out of 21 participating groups, 5 groups were selected and given funding for prototype development. The 5 selected groups are IRIS, EpicDermis, WabiSabi, ACRAS, and PinkPanther.


From September to December, the finalists developed their prototypes and received a mentoring session on business strategy by the Business and Entrepreneurship Study Program. They successfully finished the prototype development and submitted their products as well as the final report.

On December 18th, the finalists went through the final assessment by 1 external judge, apt. Bayu Ahmad Ramdani, M.Sc. as the Head of Research and Development at PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation, and 2 internal judges, apt. Pietradewi Hartrianti, Ph.D. as the Head of Pharmacy

Study Program and Silvia Hagaina Sembiring, B.Bus., MA-PACC., a faculty representative from the Business and Entrepreneurship Study Program. During the final assessment, each group presented their promotional video and gave their elevator pitch, then followed by a Q&A session with the judges.


While the judges were discussing the winners, the participants enjoyed a talk show titled “Developing Skincare Start-Ups: Paving The Way for Your Research Innovation” by Dr. Vincent Chandrawinata as the Founder & Technical Director of Renovatio Bioscience, a skincare company based in Sydney, Australia.


Finally, at the end of the event, the winners of SKINOVATION were announced. The winners are the IRIS team with their serum mist product. This group consists of 5 students: Shakila Angjaya (PHA 2018), Kenjiro Tanoto (PHA 2018), Elizabeth Chrestella (PHA 2018), Vivi Julietta (BM 2018), and Angelika (BM 2018). 

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