Free info session for i3L and iSB Students, and alumni
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Dear Student, Faculty/Staff, and Alumni,
Good afternoon
i3L in collaboration with Teikyo University (Japan), Atma Jaya University (Indonesia), and President University (Indonesia) proudly present a Webinar Series: Sakura Science Plan 2021.
📆 Thursday, 16 December 2021
⏰ 08 AM to 10.30 AM (WIB, Jakarta Time)
via ZOOM
– Teikyo Uni-Prof. Shohei Sakuda : Studies on Modes of Action of Bioactive Natural Compounds i3L
-Rizky Nurdiansyah, M.Sc. : Vaccine for Malaria Using the Evolutionary Biology Approach Teikyo Uni
-Abdelrahman Elamin, Ph.D. : Studies on Prevention of Mycotoxin Contamination in Medicinal Herbs Atma Jaya Uni
-Ir.Antonius Suwanto, Ph.D. : Food That Makes Us Healthy and Happy: Traditional Fermentation and Microbiome Teikyo Uni
– Sultana Sharmin, Ph.D. : Study on Fumonisin Biosynthesis i3L
-Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi, Ph.D. : Microbial Encapsulation and Delivery for Healthcare
Join this webinar series for updates on current knowledge in the bioscience-related field.
*i3L students, faculty/staff, and alumni only.
Please register first at:
Thank you and see you soon at the event.
Sincerely, i3L International Office
i3L Bachelor Degree Program
i3L School of Life sciences is a cluster of sciences which focuses on the study of living organisms. Life sciences is divided into four different groups: Medical, Industrial, Environmental and Food.
i3L School of Business (iSB) is an established school within i3L (Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences) which offers industry-relevant programs in the fields of business and management.
Master Degree in Biomanagement
The i3L Master in BioManagement is meant for fresh graduates and professionals who want to develop their career in the highly complex yet highly promising life science industry.
International Pathway Program
International Pathway Program: Year One in Business enables students to progress directly into the second year of their studies in the universities of their choosing.
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