As we bring 2022 to a start, I would like you to know how I am so grateful for each and every one of you, and for what we have accomplished together in 2021.
Think back to the year 2021. We continued with our online courses and partially opened the face-to-face or on-site laboratory sessions. Only with well-planned and careful steps, we were able to implement the challenging health protocols without major issues. I would like to thank all members of the directorate, faculty, and staff who have set the necessary plans and rules for students to return to i3L by prioritizing everyone’s safety — not only in the academic activities, but also in other key activities in research, community services, marketing, international programs, virtual graduation ceremony, and other program developments we as a team have maintained well.
I believe in the new year 2022, we can continue to maintain similar activities in providing our best services to our students and hope for a milder pandemic so that we could return to fully-normal activities towards the end of this year. Many SARS 2 COVID-19 vaccines are available, and through our government’s health department, we are grateful to be able to have access to vaccines that allowed all of us to be vaccinated. Despite the vaccination, the COVID-19 virus was still mutating and new variants may have developed and new types of vaccine are required. Therefore, all of us need to remain vigilant and focus on implementing the necessary health protocols to minimize the spread of the virus.
This year, we need to maintain and improve our accreditation status at the study program and at institute levels. We will place this as a high priority so that we can support the institute in keeping up with its yearly targets and grand strategy target. To achieve this, all of us need to fully comprehend the process, translate the strategy into activities, and effectively implement the activities according to plan. We need to support each other so that our challenging tasks can be handled and tackled together as I believe all of us have a strong will and the capability to succeed in our mission. As a prerequisite for institutional accreditation, all study programs have published a significant number of copyrights. It is expected that several of our copyrights could be applied in industrial settings, leading to bigger impacts on the community.
Furthermore, we need to improve our online learning delivery method and system. Through our student survey system, we learned that there is still room for improvements in our online learning. Although we want our learning process to be fully conducted on-site again, with this pandemic we learn that the online learning system is a must-have as an option for hybrid learning. The institute should be ready in any situation to run its academic operations smoothly.
We are proud of our new cohort that has put trust in our institution to learn, get the necessary work experience, and obtain their degree. Welcome to i3L, Cohort 2021! We will try our best to assist you to reach your academic goals.
Also, we are proud of our graduates who have passed the many challenges they have encountered last year, not only from educational assignments but also from the pressure of the pandemic. I would like to congratulate those who have graduated albeit virtually, and the virtual graduation has made me understand more clearly the importance of traditions and rites of passage. Our virtual graduation ceremonies, created by your hard work, were truly one of the greatest moments at i3L and they will be treasured by the graduates and their families for the rest of their lives.
What remains steadfast at i3L is the true power of learning. It is a miracle that we can still learn something new every day and change our lives with it. However, it is our mission to not only change our lives for the better: we must change the lives of our family members, those in our communities, and everyone in the world who is in need. There’s no question in my mind that if you truly want to change the world — educate at least one other person.
May we welcome and prepare ourselves for the year 2022 and for the challenges that lie ahead. We shall face them with pride and bold confidence.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
Iwan Surjawan, Ph.D.
Rector of i3L
Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur 13210, Indonesia.
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