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Dear All i3L Family,
Welcome the new 2020-2021 academic year! I am delighted to welcome all i3L students back to campus. I would also like to welcome all students of cohort 2020 and congratulate them on starting their first semester. The term “back to campus” during this time, or at least for the next semester, may not be referring to face-to-
face campus experience for most of us due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite all of the problems that we are currently facing, we here at i3L have done our best to carefully prepare for all courses through an integrated online system. I assure you that all online courses will be delivered as scheduled and the quality of learning will be as targeted.
In the past weeks, I have had the opportunity to meet faculty members, staff members and all of the management board members of i3L. I have noticed great enthusiasm from everyone to start this new academic year by adjusting to the ongoing new normal stage our government is implementing. I hope the pandemic will soon dissipate so that we can all go back to our normal life.
As we are starting this new academic year, we have already seen a really promising future for i3L: the great students of the incoming cohort, the ongoing research activities of our thesis students and faculty members, webinars for community services, and an abundance of other projects. These show how the i3L community works hard and gives it their best during this pandemic. I hope all departments at i3L can support each other in successfully carrying out all the plans.
I believe that all of you, like me, are ready for new challenges and opportunities that this year will bring about. We will exchange ideas, we will advance our initiatives and create new ones, and we will continue the work that makes i3L one of the best private higher education institutes in the country.
In every period of leadership at this institute, we have all expressed i3L’s commitment in improving and maintaining academic excellence. We strive to progress the institute to greater aspirations and achievements. I have just begun this academic year with the focus on maintaining that commitment with deep pride reflecting the brilliance of our bright students and professional faculty members. Let us walk together safely to provide the best education and academic experience for our students. You have my best wishes for a fulfilling and productive year.

Warmest Regards,
Iwan Surjawan, Ph.D.
Rector of i3L

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