In September 2021, Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya Manusia under Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemdikbud Ristek) released the “Program Talenta Inovasi”. It is an appreciation program by the government for those students who conduct an independent study of which the impact can be beneficial for the greater community. This incentive-based program was aimed at higher education students in undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs and was available in two waves. Students can submit a well-nigh finished or finished project to a number of funding schemes that Kemdikbud Ristek offers. Subsequently, each of the schemes will have different expected outcomes that the students have to fulfill.
In the first wave of the submission process, i3L managed to proffer 4 proposals to the program. Among those, 3 of the proposals successfully secured a place as the grant winners of Program Talenta Inovasi 2021. The proposals were developed by Winda Hasuki and Nadya Natasya from BioInformatics, Cohort 2018, and Gabriella Devina Tirta from BioTechnology, Cohort 2018. Winda Hasuki and Nadya Natasya explored the expression and variation of microRNA as the biomarker in renal cancer carcinoma and lung cancer respectively under the supervision of Pak David Agustriawan, Ph.D. Gabriella Devina Tirta, on the other hand, examined the creation process of encapsulated probiotic powder in Lactobacillus brevis, under the supervision of Ibu Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi, Ph.D. and Mario Donald Bani, M.Biotech(Adv.).
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