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The Learning and Development & Welfare division of the Student Council of i3L held the Orientation Week 2020 on August 24-27, 2020, online. There were 225 freshmen attending the sessions as their introduction to university life that they are about to embark on. Several different engaging activities were delivered by the committee to corroborate the solidarity within i3L students across different cohorts.

O Week 2020

Orientation Week consisted of two separate sessions; the morning session which was mainly carried out by the institution and the afternoon session by the Student Council of i3L. The morning i3L session was delivered by the departments which work closely with the students such as Academic Operations, Center of Student Development, Building Management, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat and the International Office. To officiate the Orientation Week 2020, our Rector, Iwan Surjawan, Ph.D., gave his welcoming speech in which he stated that “study is not just about memorizing facts and blindly accepting new things, but it is more about analyzing evidence and arriving at one’s own conclusion. It is important to stay open minded, reflective and curious as seeking knowledge is a life-long pursuit.” Dr. Surjawan’s opening remark was followed by a welcoming speech from the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Amadeus Y. Pribowo, Ph.D.

This year’s orientation week used ‘flowers’ as the general theme which symbolize growth, blooming and adaptation to the ever-changing lifestyle. Students who have experienced university life are expected to develop strength, knowledge and joy in the new chapter of their lives as both an individual and a member of the society. The Orientation Week 2020 tagline was “Learning with Intensity, Bloom in Diversity”.

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