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A new semester has come and we are welcoming the new cohort, cohort 2021! Orientation Week, also known as O-Week, is an annual institutional event prepared by the Student Council of i3L (SCi) to welcome the new cohorts. Every year, this event is held before the academic year begins as the new cohort is introduced to the ACIS systems, college life, and their new friends. O-Week 2021 was held on the 23rd to the 27th of August with the theme “Protein Synthesis”. Protein Synthesis illustrates the new students with different backgrounds transitioning from high school to college as if amino acids synthesizing together into a protein. More than 160 new students were synthesized together in the Orientation Week. 

The start of Orientation Week 2021 was marked by the Pre O-Week on the 20th of August with an opening speech from Arielle Praise Rachman as the Head of Orientation Week 2021. A personality and learning style test was held during Pre O-Week along with some Student Led Activities. First day of O-Week consisted of a BRIGHT session, study program socialization, and a bingo game to brighten up the day. Sessions with Academic Operation, International Office, and Student Council presentations were done on the second day of O-Week. On the third day, seminars about anti-radicalism, anti-drugs, and anti-corruption were done together with the Kalbis Institute. Clubs and communities showcase, waste management session, and poster presentations were done on the fourth day. On the final day, a parent’s gathering was conducted followed by the inauguration of cohort 2021 marking the start of  SCi’s 2021/2022 cabinet.

Although O-Week 2021 was done online, it was still informative and engaging. With all the hard work of the whole committee, this Orientation Week was a blast. O-Week 2021 surely remains as a memorable event for the new cohort.

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