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LAMSAMA Conducted a Field Assessment for the Accreditation of the Biotechnology Undergraduate Program at i3L

In order to commit to continuously strengthening its quality, i3L conducted the re-accreditation of the Biotechnology undergraduate program. This re-accreditation is part of the SPME (Sistem Penjamin Mutu Eksternal – External Quality Assurance System), and this time it was LAMSAMA (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal – The Independent Accreditation Body of Life and Formal Sciences) who conducted the assessment.
The field assessment was conducted on November 27-29, 2022, by lead assessor Dra. Gratiana Ekaningsih Wijayanti, M.Rep.Sc., P Ph.D. from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, and assessor Dr. Diah Rachmawati, M.Si. from Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

The activity began with an opening speech by the Dean of School of Life Sciences, apt. Pietradewi Hartrianti, M.Farm., Ph.D. In her speech, Dr. Hartrianti greeted the field assessor team and introduced i3L’s board of management, heads of departments, and supporting units. Dr. Hartrianti then presented a profile of the School of Life Sciences. Putu Virgina partha Devanthi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., the Head of the Biotechnology Department, followed Dr. Hartrianti’s opening speech and presentation by presenting a profile of the Biotechnology undergraduate program.

The lead assessor, Dra. Gratiana, expressed her appreciation for the greetings and intdouction that were delivered by i3L.
This field assessment is part of SPME and it was done to confirm the information included in the LED (Laporan Evaluasi Diri – Self-Evaluation Report) & LKPS (Laporan Kinerja Program Studi – Study Program’s Performance Report). On top of that, this activity also part of the accreditation process with the purpose of self-evaluation. 

On the first day, the field assessor team conducted a session with the Dean and the Head of Department, another session with the Internal Quality Assurance Team, and a session to verify accreditation documents with middle management, students (Richelle Bertly, Mary Grace, Laurentius Hardy, Devina Checylia, and Alif Hokuto Abe), alumni (Fahreza Avicena, Fransiska Adeline, Johnathan Adriel, Della Martha, Suvanna Visakha Wu and Michael Putra), and alumni users (Kalbe Farma, Nalagenetics, Kalbio Global Medika).

On the second day, the field assessor team conducted a facility check starting with the laboratory, library, auditorium, student health facility, and other supporting facilities. The team then conducted interviews with faculty members.
At the end of the event, i3L and the field assessor team signed the field assessment report. The field assessor team then informed i3L with suggestion for improvements and development. “In addition to academic achievements, it is also important to balance the program with non-academic activities so that there is a balance between IQ and EQ,” Dr. Wijayanti explained.

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