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Online Webinar
23 January 2021
Sustainable Industry with Biotechnology

i3L proudly presents Sustainable Industry with Biotechnology Online Webinar

Presented by Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (Faculty Member of Biotechnology)

Saturday 23 January 2021
Time: 13.00 – 14.00 WIB

Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi, Ph.D. earned both her bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and master’s degree in Biotechnology from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) through an accelerated program. This program was funded by The Indonesian Ministry of Education Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). In 2014, she was awarded Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education scholarship to pursue her doctoral degree in School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. 

This webinar is open for public and free of charge.
Each participants will receive e-certificate. *participants is required to fill the attendance form during the webinar session to be eligible for e-certificate.

The Webinar Zoom Link Will Be Sent To Registered Email.

Register now by clicking the registered button.



i3L Biotechnology Bachelor’s Program
At i3L, the discussions on food, nutrition and human health intertwine and are delivered from the molecular level up to population and global levels; from the chemistry, microbiology, safety, and processing aspects of food up to its functionality on gene and cell levels; its use for human digestion and metabolism, its effects on human health at individual and population levels, as well as its impact on the on society and the environment.

Master Degree in Biomanagement
The i3L Master in BioManagement is meant for fresh graduates and professionals who want to develop their career in the highly complex yet highly promising life science industry.

i3L Youtube Channel
Watch the previous online webinar on our Youtube channel at i3L_Official.

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