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Nadira Maharani, B.Sc., M.B.A.

Research Interest

  • Food Industry
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic Management
  • Women Entrepreneurship


Nadira Maharani Ramses, B.Sc., M.B.A. obtained her Bachelor of Science degree with Honors from the University of New South Wales, Australia, majoring in Food Science and Technology. Her Master of Business Administration degree was completed with Cum Laude at Universitas Gadjah Mada, focusing on Strategic Management. 

Prior to joining i3L, Nadira had worked in several multinational companies, mainly at Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, particularly those focusing on operations management and product launch. She then found a new passion in education when working for an institution with an IB-based Diploma Programme. 

Her prior research includes antioxidant compounds during her bachelor’s study and strategy development for entering new markets in the food industry during her master’s study. Currently, Nadira works as a faculty member of the International Business Management program at iSB and as Deputy Head of the Quality Assurance Office which sees her develop quality management systems. She has a keen interest in educational development, project management, and food entrepreneurship.

Selected Publication

Maharani, N. (2020) Strategy in Entering the Healthy Catering Industry: Case Study on Alfa Catering. Asian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 1, No. 2. Pp. 90 – 98.


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