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Iwan Surjawan, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Rector of i3L

Research Interest


Dr. Surjawan earned his Ph.D. in Food Science from the University of Maine, USA. He later started his Post Doc at Food Innovation Center (FIC) in the University of Nebraska, USA, in Food Process Engineering.

He has more than 15 years of experience in academic research and industrial research projects in foods and beverages. He has demonstrated in successfully delivering commercial products, cost-savings, and improving products and processes qualities. He worked as Senior Research Food Scientist at the Schwan Food Company from 2005 to 2008 with main responsibilities in research and applied novel ingredient technologies or processes that can be applied in new commercial products.

In 2008, he began working at Garuda Food Indonesia, firstly as the Head of Innovation and Technology Development in conducting research for new innovative products. Then, he became the Head of Food and Beverage Product Development in the International Division. His main responsibilities were to provide technical support on new product developments, their food processing settings, and the packaging for the international market.

Dr. Surjawan builds various research experiences in his career. During his time at universities and industries, his research covered beverages, snacks & bakeries, and frozen food products. His experience covers Food Extrusion (in chemical reaction thereof), Dairy Fermentation (a growth optimization of cheese cultures), Cereals Technology, Frozen Food Technology (minimalization of ice recrystallization in ice cream), Baking Technology (cookies & frozen dough), and Beverages (Aseptic and non-Aseptic).

Dr. Surjawan joined i3L not only to share his knowledge and experience with students but also he has the vision to establish a Food Innovation & Research Center for training and workshops to students, food business communities, the food industry, and the government in accelerating the innovations in food technology in Indonesia.


Research Activity and Highlighted Project

Selected Publication

Surjawan, I., & Abdillah, E. (2018). The potential of avocado paste (Persea americana) as fat substitute in non-dairy ice cream. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 102, No. 1, p. 012006. IOP Publishing.

Neelakantan, S., Surjawan, I., Karacelik, H., Hicks, C. L., & Crooks, P. A. (2009). Synthesis of novel isoluminol probes and their use in rapid bacterial assays. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters19(19), 5722-5726.

Surjawan, I., Karacelik, H., Neelakantan, S., Crooks, P. A., & Hicks, C. L. (2005). Novel reporter molecule for the development of rapid assay probes. In JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, Vol. 88, pp. 144-145. 1111 N DUNLAP AVE, SAVOY, IL 61874 USA: AMER DAIRY SCIENCE ASSOC.

Hicks, C. L., Clark-Safko, P. A., Surjawan, I., & O’Leary, J. (2004). Use of bacteriophage-derived peptides to delay phage infections. Food research international37(2), 115-122.

Surjawan, I., Dougherty, M. P., Camire, M. E., & Jemison, J. J. (2004). MR433: Malting Quality of Maine-grown Barley.

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