Research Interest
Ihsan Tria Pramanda, S.Si., M.S. hails from Padang Panjang, West Sumatera. He completed his bachelor’s degree in microbiology at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2010. After a brief stint as a high school teacher, he continued his study at Northwestern University, USA, in 2014 under the full scholarship from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). He graduated in 2016 with a Master of Science degree in Biotechnology and a Certificate in Sustainability and Global Health Biotechnologies (SGHB).
He has worked in various topics spanning microbiology and biotechnology, both in academia and industry. For his masters’ thesis, he developed Microbial Electrochemical Cells (MECs) to convert organic waste to hydrogen peroxide using an indigenous microbial community from a wastewater treatment plant. As part of his SGHB Certificate, he completed an internship at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, performing technoeconomic analysis of 1,4-butanediol production from sugarcane molasses. Before joining i3L, he interned at the Biological Products Division of PT Medion Farma Jaya, Bandung, to help initiate their capabilities for antigen detection of a poultry pathogen. Primarily, his research interest is in the utilization of microbes for the bio-based economy and health applications. He is also passionate about synthetic biology and open science. In 2021, he co-led a team of Indonesian synbio enthusiasts in the Frugal Biofoundry Hackathon hosted by Just One Giant Lab (JOGL) to propose a low-cost, automated, and high-throughput platform for antimicrobial drug discovery.
Since 2009, he has also been active in Tim Olimpiade Biologi Indonesia (TOBI), coaching and selecting high school students to become Indonesia’s representatives at the annual International Biology Olympiad (IBO) competition. He serves regularly as a Jury Member for the National Science Olympiad (OSN) in Biology and was appointed as a member of the Indonesian delegation for IBO 2018 in Tehran, Iran.
Year | Award | Source |
2021 | Training for Trainers: Capacity Building | Pfizer Biotech Fellowship |
2014-2016 | Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Graduate Scholarship | LPDP |
2016 | Master of Biotechnology Program (MBP) Travel Grant | Northwestern University |
2015 | MBP Certificate in Sustainability and Global Health Biotechnologies (SGHB) Scholarship | Northwestern University |
Research Activity and Highlighted Project
Year | Title | Partners |
2021-present | Evaluation of Probiotic and Starter Culture Properties of Pediococcus acidilactici after Spray Drying at Different Inlet Temperatures | Dr. Crystale Lim Siew Ying (UCSI Malaysia), Dr. Pui Liew Phing (USCI Malaysia) |
2021-present | Development of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae for Organic Waste Reduction and Bio-based Products | Dr. Ramadhani Eka Putra (ITB) |
2021-present | Microbiome Analysis using NGS to Unravel the Presence of Commercially Potential and Pathogenic Microbes in Hot Spring Ecosystem | Dr. Almando Geraldi (UNAIR) |
2020 – 2021 | Investigation of Stress-related Gene Expression in Pediococcus acidilactici Under Heat Shock Challenge | |
2020 – 2021 | Improving Thermotolerance of Pediococcus acidilactici during Spray Drying Encapsulation. |
Selected Publication
Pramanda IT, Saputro MNB, Naidu NC, Devanthi PVP. (2021). Starter Cultures Inoculation Procedure Changes Microbial Community Structure during Low-Salt Moromi Fermentation. Oral Presentation. 2021 International Food Conference. Widya Mandala University, Surabaya, Indonesia. |
Pramanda IT, Katherine, Devanthi PVP, Aslanzadeh S. (2021). Revisiting Indonesia’s Fermented Food: Fermented Food of Animal Origin. Jakarta: i3L Press. |
Griffin J, Taw E, Gosavi A, Thornburg N, Pramanda IT, Lee HS, Gray K, Notestein J, & Wells G. (2018). Hybrid Approach for Selective Sulfoxidation via Bioelectrochemically Derived Hydrogen Peroxide over a Niobium(V)–Silica Catalyst. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6(6), 7880-7889. |
Taw E, Griffin J, Gosavi A, Thornburg N, Pramanda IT, Lee HS, Gray K, Notestein J, & Wells G. (2017). Valorization of Bioelectrochemically Derived Hydrogen Peroxide through Catalytic Sulfoxidation. Poster Presentation. 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, USA. |
Pramanda IT, Aryantha INP, & Anggoro B. (2013). Effects of Magnetic Field Induction in Growth of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Poster Presentation. International Seminar on Sciences. Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. |
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