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Dr. Niluh Widyaningsih, S.E., M.Si., M.Sc.

Research Interest

  • Market Research
  • Business Management
  • Economic Development
  • Waste Management System


Dr. Niluh Widyaningsih received her Bachelor degree on Economic Sciences from Catholic University of Parahyangan, Bandung. She then pursued her master degree at University of Indonesia (Economic Planning and Development Policy). She worked as a Research Analyst at Public Works Department for few years and moved to New York to continue her Ph.D. at Economics at SUNY-Binghamton. She also received a Master degree at Global Affairs from Rutgers University – State University of New Jersey. 

Dr. Widya has had some work experiences on market research from the USA company. She also received the Doctoral degree from University of Indonesia with the Cum Laude award on Environmental Science focusing on Environmental Economics. Her interests are on Economic and the linkage with the environment especially on waste management systems. She was responsible for the master planning for the waste bank in Indonesia while she became the senior consultant for one of the state-owned companies in Indonesia. Prior to joining i3L, she was assigned as the head faculty at TM College-NCUK.



Award/Grant Name

Source of Award


2nd Winner for the Best Presenter

The 4th International Conf. Planning in the Era of Uncertainty-Bringing the Rural-Urban Development


Doctoral: Cum Laude Award

University of Indonesia

Research Activity and Highlighted Project





Average Income and Repayment Debt in a Society of Waste Pickers

Waseda University


Model Penerapan Konsep CSR melalui Bank Sampah untuk Mengurangi Sampah Kota dan Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga Miskin

Esa Unggul University


Waste Management System Based on Society and Geography Condition

Esa Unggul University

Selected Publication

Widyaningsih, N., & Sasaki, S. (2020). Mapping of Waste Planning Based and Society and Geographic Conditions. Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning, 7(1), 47-56.

Sasaki, S., Watanabe, K., Widyaningsih, N., and Araki, T., (2018). Collecting and Dealing of Recyclable in a Final Disposal Site and Surrounding Slum Residence: The Case of Bantar Gebang, Indonesia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 21(2), 375-393.

Widyaningsih, N., Tjiptoherijanto, P., Widanarko, S., and Seda, F. (2015). Linkage Model between Sustainable Consumption and Household Waste Management. Elsevier: Procedia Environmental Sciences, 28, 195-203.


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