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Dr. apt. Aini Gusmira, M.Si

Research Interest

  • Protein recombinant
  • Molecular pharmacology​
  • Biotechnology​
  • Herbal medicine​


Dr. Aini received her bachelor’s degree from Universitas Pajadjaran, and her master’s degree in herbal medicine from Universitas Indonesia. During her undergraduate studies, Aini and the team she led were awarded as the runners-up of pharmaceutical product competition in Indonesian Pharmacy Students Scientific Week (PIMFI). After obtaining her Master’s degree, Aini worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, and later on, received a Japanese Government Scholarship/Monbukagakusho (MEXT) to pursue a Ph.D in biological science from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan. During her Ph.D studies, Aini worked intensively with recombinant proteins. Aini continued to work as a lecturer at Universitas Indonesia after completing her Ph.D. studies and subsequently joined I3L.

Research Activity and Highlighted Project





Isolation of Sal9 Lantibiotic and Sm1 and Sm2 Nonlantibiotic Bacteriocin Gene Fragment from Streptococcus macedonicus MBF10-2 Genome and its Design for Cloning



Trial of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) rs4343 Gene Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Identification Method Using rhAmp SNP Genotyping System



Development of Candida krusei detection method in biological sample with intercalating dye-based qPCR



Inhibitory Activity of Nutmeg Oil on Candida albicans and its Combined Effect with Fluconazole



Analysis of Endometrial Thickness in Female Rats Model of Impaired Endometrial Receptivity and Characterization of the Estrus Cycle of Female


Selected Publication

Handayani, R. J., Mahendra, I. C. H. P., Atika, N., Adisaputra, I., Gusmira, A., Adawiyah, R., Rozaliyani, A., Makau, J. N., Raekiansyah, M., Rahmasari, R. (2022). Myristica fragrans oil as potent inhibitor of Candida albicans: Phase development inhibition and synergistic effect. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. (Status: in press)

Gusmira, A., Takemura, K., Lee, S. Y., Inaba, T., Hanawa- Suetsugu, K., Oono-Yakura, K., Yasuhara, K., Kitao, A., & Suetsugu, S. (2020). Regulation of caveolae through cholesterol-depletion-dependent tubulation mediated by PACSIN2. Journal of cell science, 133(19), jcs246785. 

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