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apt. Raden Leonny Yulita Hartiadi, M.Si., Ph.D.

Research Interest

  •  Neuropharmacology


Raden Leonny Yulita Hartiadi, Apt. Ph.D. was awarded Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education scholarship to pursue her doctoral training in Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Sydney. During her doctoral training, she was awarded Postgraduate Research Support Scheme for 3 consecutive years from the Faculty of Pharmacy. Prior embarking her doctoral degree, she worked as a radiopharmacist in nuclear medicine department at MRCCC Siloam Hospitals for 2 years. She also has a working experience in one of pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia as a research & development staff.

Leonny completed her Bachelor and Master degree majoring in Pharmacy at Bandung Institute of Technology. In addition, she also obtained Pharmacist degree from the same university. She prepared a grant during her Master and with the guidance from her supervisor, they obtained Scientific Research Group Bandung Institute of Technology Grant.

Leonny is passionate in the field of neuropharmacology. Her goal is to explore new drugs for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases by applying in vitro and in vivo approaches.

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