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apt. Audrey Amira Crystalia, S.Farm., M.Sc.

Research Interest

  • Experimental pharmacology
  • Receptor pharmacology


apt. Audrey Amira Crystalia, M.Sc. obtained her bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and pharmacist degree from Bandung Institute of Technology before obtaining her master’s degree from University College London (UCL) in Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics. She is an experienced clinical pharmacist, having worked at Pondok Indah Hospital and Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk prior to joining i3L. She’s keen on pursuing research in pharmacology to try to find new potential treatments for various diseases as well as to elucidate mechanisms of diseases that could serve as a new target for drug discovery. Aside from research, she’s passionate about helping and educating the community on the rational use of drugs. She is also involved in projects related to clinical pharmacy practice in the hospital, employing her expertise from her working experience in the hospital.






Kedaireka Matching Fund Grant, Member


Research Activity and Highlighted Project





Development of Indonesian Plants as Immunostimulant and Antibacterial on Secondary Bacterial Infection with Viral Co-Infection 

School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology


Development and Establishment of Drug-drug Interaction Database Integrated to Lira Medika Hospital Prescribing System 

Lira Medika Hospital


Herbal Medicine Development for Alzheimer’s-like Disease 



Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Effect of Herbal Drink 

Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa (INTI)

Selected Publication

Leonard, T. E., Siratan, E., Hartiadi, L. Y., & Crystalia, A. A. (2021). Insights into antimicrobial peptides in fighting anthrax: A review. Drug Development Research82(6), 754-766.

Sukandar, E. Y., Garmana, A. N., Aidasari, A. U., & Crystalia, A. A. (2019). Antihypertensive activity of ethanol extract combination of Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) v. Steenis and Sonchus arvensis L. leaves on angiotensin II-induced male wistar rat. Journal of Research in Pharmacy23(6).

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