i3L Biotechnoology Cohort 2018
IISMA Awardee to Prince of Songkla, Thailand
Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is the Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students for mobility programs at top Universities overseas. Undergraduate students could spend one semester at the overseas university partner to study, to experience the host country’s culture and undertake practical assignments to hone their skills.
Prince of Songkla University (PSU), a public university established in 1967 as the first university in southern Thailand, consists of five campuses offering various programs of education consistent with the needs of their communities. Moreover, PSU also comprises 39 faculties, colleges and institutes, four hospitals, and more than 40 excellence and research centers, all committed to academic excellence, strong social responsibility, and active engagement in community services. The central aims of the university are to raise general education standards and support regional industry and development. Moreover, the university aims to establish excellence in research and teaching, to provide academic services to communities, and to take an active role in the preservation of national heritage in arts and culture, especially for those from southern Thailand. Therefore, as a leading research university in Asia, PSU has contributed significantly to the development of the country and consistently turned out well-qualified graduates of high professional standing.
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