As part of the youth, we are in position to affect environmental change and taking part in conversations about environmental issues is the start of the process. In realization of this, i3L’s Debating Community presents Debate Match: i3L Debating Match (iDM).
iDM is an English debating competition that aims to spark thought-provoking conversations on pressing issues. As a leading zero-waste institution, i3L enters the realm of high-school debate by conducting its first debate competition on environmental issues.
Debate Match Timeline as stated below,
+ One registering team consists of three individual speakers.
+ Each speaker in a team must come from one institution.
+ One institute can send a maximum of 3 teams.
+ Speakers are currently an attending student in a senior high school (SMA/Sederajat).
+ Each team should submit a scan of active student ID for each participating speaker.
+ Each participant is required to upload the provided twibbon onto their Instagram accounts as well as follow and tag @i3l_debatingcommunity & tag @i3l_official
+ Accounts are required to be public.
+ Debate will be conducted in English.
+ Participants are advised to be familiar with Zoom Meetings and breakout rooms.
+ Before the debate, a representative of each team present (Government and Opposition) in the session would be asked to private message the timekeeper of the speaking order.
+ Before speech, each speaker is required to relay to the room regarding their POI preferences (explained in the POI section).
+ Before their speech, each speaker is required to check if they are audible in the room. We advise each member to have a stable internet connection to ensure the continuity of the event.
+ Lateness to check in will not be tolerated. Groups that are late will not be allowed to attend the session, and their position will be substituted by a swing team.
+ Speakers are not allowed to personally attack speakers of the opposite team (regarding their religion, gender identity, sexuality, etc.), and may only attack the debate they bring to the table.
+ Speakers (plaintiff) who felt may have been personally attacked may report the case to the equity members who will judge and implement action in accordance with the action of the offender and with agreement of the speaker (plaintiff).
+ A representative of the speaker (plaintiff) who has been attacked may report the case only with the agreement and consent of the speaker (plaintiff) if the speaker (plaintiff) themselves does not feel comfortable reporting the case. If the representative reported the case without the consent of the speaker (plaintiff), the case reported will not be processed out of respect to the speaker (plaintiff).
+ A strike system will be implemented for each participating team. 3 complaints will result in a disqualification of the reported team.
+ Prime Minister (PM) (7 Minutes) Defines the motion and prepare 1 or 2 arguments
+ Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) (7 Minutes) Rebut the case of opposition side, defend government arguments and prepare 1 or 2 arguments
+ Government Whip (GW) (7 Minutes) Make a rebuttal and summarizes the case of the government
+ Reply Speaker (5 Minutes)
+ Leader of Opposition (LO) (7 Minutes) Rebut government case, may challenge the definition if the definition is challengeable, and prepare 1 or 2 arguments
+ Deputy Leader of Opposition (DPL) (7 Minutes) Rebut the case of government side, defend opposition arguments and prepare 1 or 2 arguments
+ Opposition Whip (OW) (7 Minutes) Make a rebuttal and summarizes the case of the opposition
+ Reply Speaker (5 Minutes)
1. Prime Minister (7 min)
2. Leader of Opposition (7 min)
3. Deputy Prime Minister (7 min)
4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition (7 min)
5. Government Whip (7 min)
6. Opposition Whip (7 min)
7. Opposition Reply (5 min)
8. Government Reply (5 min)
+ Each team will have 30 minutes for case building.
+ Each member of both teams are allowed 7 minutes to deliver their speech.
+ One speaker from each side is given 5 minutes to deliver a reply speech.
+ POI’s are allowed during the 1-6 minute period, before the first and after the 6th minute marks, POI are not allowed. + Speakers may accept or refuse the POI’s given by the opposite team.
+ POI’s are not allowed during the reply speeches period.
+ Speakers must, before beginning their speech, relay to the room if the POI’s would be given through chat or open mic.
Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur 13210, Indonesia.
+6221 295 67 888 (Admission & Customer Service)
+6221 295 67 899 (Operator)
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