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i3L Organizing Virtual Graduation Ceremony and Remains Committed to Developing Industrial Collaboration

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i3L Organizing Virtual Graduation Ceremony and Remains Committed to Developing Industrial Collaboration

The Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) held its 4th graduation ceremony and it was done Online on Saturday 18 December 2021. The graduation procession was led directly by the Rector of i3L IwanSurjawan, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D.

The fourth graduation procession held by i3L was run virtually by presenting members of the senate at the i3L Auditorium. This is intended to follow the health protocol recommendations from the government to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic which continues to increase.

i3L has made various efforts to equip its students to remain competitive in the working world and business environment.

The opening of the graduation ceremony was marked by the 3rd beating of the gong by Iwan Surjawan the Rector of i3L.

apt. Raden Leonny Yulita Hartiadi, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the vice-rector of i3L deliver good news, that there is improvement in the accreditation of the Food Science faculty from good to very good.

In addition, Leonny also explained the preparation of i3L in anticipating, preparing, and also implementing plans to deal with the pandemic. One of the anticipations is that in February 2020 i3L has held a mini Covid-19 symposium by inviting Prof. Amin Soebandrio and also the Faculties at i3L regarding the understanding of Covid-19 and also what needs to be prepared when Indonesia has to face a pandemic.

This university, which is located in Jakarta, has successfully changed the learning process from offline to online, assisted by technology and available facilities.

Laboratory Session During Pandemic

“I3L also implements a virtual lab simulation for the learning process where i3L students can still carry out laboratory activities in a virtual simulation. All faculties also contribute to recording research in the laboratory so that students can still study experiments optimally even in an online learning situation,” said Leonny.

In addition, during the pandemic, i3L also received international research grants from the Toray Science Foundation, CDTI in collaboration with Technova Spain, and also the southeast Asia Europe joint funding scheme. I3L also conducts research collaborations with the industry, with the Orang Tua Group, and also PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation.

Leonny also said that during the Covid-19 Pandemic, i3L played an active role in carrying out corporate social responsibility in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and also USSEC International partners.

Greetings from LLDIKTI


This year’s i3L graduation ceremony was also attended virtually by the Head of LLDIKTI Region III, Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc, said that the importance of collaboration between educational institutions and industry to strengthen the national economy.

“With the collaboration between educational institutions and industry, it can increase the potential of resources in changing the welfare of the Indonesian state. Educational institutions need to play an active role in increasing economic growth in terms of the creative economy as well as MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises),” He said.


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