i3L proudly presents The i3L Industrial Workshop series. The i3L Workshop gives a unique opportunity for professionals and stakeholders to actively engage in discussions with local and international experts on hot topics related to research, science, technology, and business.
We will deliver the workshop titled “Manufacturing for Industry 4.0” highlighting the use of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) that are revolutionizing and transforming the modern manufacturing environment.
Delegates will see “live” demonstrations of cutting edge, industry leading systems and envision how these systems can transform their organizations and embark on an exciting journey into the future of manufacturing.
Details of the event as follow:
Venue: i3L Campus (Room 209)
Day/Date: Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Time: 08:30 AM – 16:00 PM
For information and RSVP please contact Marsia (marsia.gustiananda@i3l.ac.id) or Fasya (fasya.aldia@i3l.ac.id). Please feel free to circulate this invitation widely throughout all of your networks.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at i3L Campus!
More information: New Manufacturing Industry flyer Final (1)-min