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Faculty Workshop January 2024
Dealing with Feedback: Receiving and Giving

A report from the World Economic Forum (WEC) states that the workforce will be dominated by Gen-Z, where in 2025 Gen-Z is expected to contribute around 1/3 of the entire workforce. As we know, each generation has its preferences in work as well as in self-development. According to reports from Deloitte and McKinsey, there are several key factors that differentiate gen-z from other generations, such as the tendency to choose jobs that are not boring, provide social impact/purposeful (idealism), digital natives in work and life, focus on work-life balance and mental health issues. This creates challenges for leaders, as well as educators in terms of developing Gen-Z.

In the modern era of education, the skill of receiving and giving feedback is not just an additional ability, but the main foundation for an effective educator. The ability to receive feedback allows teachers to continually improve and respond to student needs. Meanwhile, the skill of providing constructive feedback plays an important role in guiding student development and stimulating the best potential in each individual. An educator who is proficient in this skillset can create an inclusive learning environment, motivating students to grow, and supporting dynamic changes in today’s world of education. With the ability to provide positive and constructive feedback, educators can create learning experiences that combine innovation, adaptability, and empowerment, helping students become future leaders and contribute positively to a dynamic global society.

In response to this issue, the Center for Learning Excellence (CLE) as a unit in i3L that focuses on improving faculty’s skills in pedagogy organized a half-day Faculty Workshop on January 26th, 2024. The session was divided into two, where the morning session was a two-hour workshop with a psychologist, Ms. Salsabila Mayang Sari, S.Psi., M.Psi.,Psikolog, and the second session was a two-hour internal sharing session in small groups guided by facilitators. The main learning outcomes from this workshop were that i3L faculties are expected to apply mindful communication, understand how to receive feedback professionally and implement steps in giving constructive feedback. Overall, the response from faculties regarding the workshop was good and they hope for future workshops the duration could be longer.

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