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Exposing Microbiome

Exposing Microbiome

When we talk about bacteria what common thought crosses our mind is filth, a disease that word is associated with anything but good. As scary as it sounds, in fact, we all are born with bacteria, microbiome to be precise. Although it is still a debate to this day about when we were first exposed to bacteria, some believe is when we make our way into the world is when the first time we are exposed to bacteria. Unlike the womb which is a safe zone, a bacteria proof, because it would be fatal for the fetus if the fetus gets exposed with bacteria. The birth canal is the opposite, it’s a bacteria depository. When a newborn makes its way through the birth canal a newborn baby gets completely covered with bacteria, giving it a brand-new microbiome.

Study about the microbiome is not something new, in fact, it can be traced way back 342 years ago. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is the founding father of microbiome study. In the early 1680s Leeuwenhoek conduct an experiment to compare his oral and fecal microbiota. This Dutch scientist finds out that there are striking differences in microbes between these two habitats and also between samples from individuals in states of health and disease in both of these sites. Leeuwenhoek’s research results will be the pioneer in Microbiology. In the modern world, the scientist has already taken a leap, not only to observe these obvious differences but rather the ability to use powerful molecular techniques to gain insight into why these differences exist, and to understand how we can affect transformations from one state to another.

We know how we get it, then we know the history of it, but

What is Microbiome

According to Microbiome can be defined as a characteristic microbial community occupying a reasonably well-defined habitat that has distinct physio-chemical properties. These include not only bacteria but fungi, parasites, and viruses.

Function of Microbiome

As it plays a significant role in helping humans to operate their body system, Microbiome is labeled as a supporting organ. We coexist peacefully with them. Imagine it this way, you have Pokemon in you. Some of them will benefit you greatly and some of them are wildly harmful. The harmful side effect only occurs when the balance of this symbiosis disturb. This Off-balance can be caused by infectious illnesses, certain diets, or the prolonged use of antibiotics or other bacteria-destroying medications. As a result, the body may become more susceptible to disease.

But if the balance maintains, this symbiotic mutualism will benefit us greater. As quoted from “Microbiota stimulate the immune system, break down potentially toxic food compounds, and synthesize certain vitamins and amino acids, including the B vitamins and vitamin K. For example, the key enzymes needed to form vitamin B12 are only found in bacteria, not in plants and animals.” and that’s only a few to mention about this good “Pokemon” benefit Us.

Furthermore a recent study some scientists believe that we are exposed to the microbiome from the time we are still in the fetus stage and is beneficial. But some others still debate this theory. As some believe we expose to the microbiome for the first time through the birth canal. According to the American Museum Of National History “Some evidence suggests that births by Cesarean section may impact a baby’s immune system, and could be a factor in the development of conditions including food allergies and asthma.”

Whether it will be proven that we are exposed to the microbiome since fetuses or the day we enter the world by birth, one thing is for sure, we’ve got a friend in the microbiome.

Biomedicine Bachelor's Program

i3L School of Life Sciences

Biomedicine study program offered in i3L focuses on research and innovation that bridge the research on human health with drug development. 

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