Exploring Excellence: i3L’s Benchmarking Journey to Enhance Education Quality and Collaboration with Other Universities in 2024
To enhance the quality of education and strengthen the relationship and collaboration between higher education institutions, throughout January 2024, i3L has conducted a series of benchmarking activities with several universities both within and outside the Jabodetabek area.
On January 5, 2024, i3L hosted a visit from Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, for a benchmarking session on the pharmacy study program. The delegation from Universitas Airlangga, represented by Prof. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D., Apt. (Vice Dean III), Dr. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. (Vice Dean I), Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Mochammad Yuwono, M.S., Apt. (Head of Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Group), and Drs. Marcellino Rudyanto, M.Si., Ph.D., Apt. (Lecturer), were warmly welcomed by the Dean of the i3L School of Life Sciences, apt. Pietradewi Hartrianti, M.Farm., Ph.D., along with the representatives from the i3L Pharmacy study program. This meeting served as a platform for both universities to exchange ideas on the implementation of pharmacy and pharmacist professional study programs.a
Shortly thereafter, i3L conducted a benchmarking visit to Universitas Pancasila located in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on January 12, 2024. The Dean of the i3L School of Life Sciences, apt. Pietradewi Hartrianti, M.Farm., Ph.D., along with representatives from the Pharmacy Study Program and Quality Assurance Department, had the opportunity to discuss with the School of Pharmacy of Universitas Pancasila regarding the implementation of the pharmacist professional study program, and also observed various facilities available at Universitas Pancasila.
Towards the end of January, i3L once again received a visit from a university outside the Jabodetabek area. Universitas Galuh, located in the Ciamis regency, West Java, visited the i3L campus on January 24, 2024, for benchmarking and the signing of Tridharma collaboration Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding Tridharma collaboration between i3L and Universitas Galuh. The event was attended by leaders from both i3L and Universitas Galuh. The MoU was signed by Katherine, S.T., Ph.D., as the Rector of i3L, and Prof. Dr. Dadi, M.Si., as the Rector of Universitas Galuh. One of the key points of this collaboration is to explore further research and utilization opportunities of the sacha inchi bean (Plukenetia volubilis), which is considered to have high nutritional content and various potential applications in multiple fields.
Then on January 30, 2024, representatives from i3L consisting of the Dean of the School of Life Sciences, faculty members from the Pharmacy Program, and the Quality Assurance Department, traveled to Bandung to visit the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for benchmarking with the ITB School of Pharmacy. This meeting provided an opportunity for representatives from both universities to share experiences regarding the pharmacy and pharmacist professional education program. The i3L delegates also had the opportunity to visit several facilities within the ITB School of Pharmacy building.
With the completion of this series of benchmarking activities, it is hoped that the relationship and collaboration between i3L and other universities can continuously be strengthened, thus providing further positive contributions to higher education in Indonesia.
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