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Evolutionary AI that Impacts Our Society

Evolutionary AI that Impacts Our Society

Evolution is the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Evolution in any form will affect aspects of human life. Whether it has a good effect or vice versa, the main impact of evolution itself is change. This law of evolution also applies to artificial intelligence, since it was first created until now AI has evolved and integrated with our lives. It also means that artificial intelligence has a changing impact on society.

History of Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. The term AI was first born in 1956, In the early days around the 50’s AI explored topics focusing on problem-solving and symbolic methods. It was The US Department of Defense took interest in training computers to mimic basic human reasoning. In the 1970s the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) completed street mapping projects and then in 2003 produced intelligent personal assistants. This is considered the beginning of AI evolution before the automation and formal reasoning that we see in computers today, including decision support systems and smart search systems that can be designed to complement and augment human abilities.

Positive Impact of Artificial intelligence

With the rapid evolution of AI, some changes in our society are starting to take shape :

Increasing Productivity

quoted from Hyperight “A study by Accenture showed that artificial intelligence has the ability to increase productivity by 40% and profitability by an average of 38%. As many tasks are taken out of employees’ hands, they can spend more time focusing on what really matters. Not to mention, that they can commit 100% to the tasks they enjoy and take pride in.”

Reduce Risk For Humans

Not every job is hazard-proof to be performed by humans and this is easily taken over by AI Robot. These high-risk jobs are like space exploration, taking samples from dangerous places like volcanoes, and dismantling bombs. Thereby reducing exposure to hazardous, life-threatening risks to humans.

Minimalizing Human Errors

Humans are imperfect creatures therefore humans tend to screw things up, unintentionally. With the development of AI, things like human errors can be handled well. AI can gather enough data from a certain set of algorithms. So, humans can make the best decision based on that data. With that being said, the errors are reduced and the possibility of being accurate and precise is quite high.

Revolutionize Healthcare System

AI can unleash the full potential of data to improve population health and solve some of the greatest health care challenges. The others benefit from the AI revolution in healthcare as well as Empower physicians with more accurate diagnostics and targeted prevention capabilities. And Improve the operational performance of hospitals by optimizing staffing resources and taking action to reduce the number of hospital readmissions.

We have already talked about some of the good impacts and changes that AI brings into our lives, it will be not complete without its downside impact of it. Besides not all evolution led to greater things. Dinosaurs evolve into a bird. here are some of the downside impacts:

Privacy Become an Open Source

In today’s world, we become more vulnerable to identity theft. These because many tech products that people use daily from phones to smart home appliances have features that make them vulnerable to AI data exploitation. AI technology can be used to identify, track and monitor people in real-time. Meaning that not only will people not be able to use their devices in privacy, but their movements can be tracked every step of the way. one of the most famous scandals is Facebook decided not to notify over 530 million of its users whose personal data was lifted in a breach sometime before August 2019 and was recently made available in a public database. The leaked data includes personal information from 533 million Facebook users in 106 countries.

Generation Lazy

Currently, as smartphone and social media users, we interact more with AI than with fellow humans. With everything automatic and instant, more and more people are used to this situation and it becomes an addiction. We are addicted to easy things that make us lazy to try. Considering the fact that many processes and applications are getting automated, people are getting addicted to these kinds of inventions which can be an issue for future generations to come.



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