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Definition of Bioinformatics and Its Benefits in Human Life

Definition of Bioinformatics and Its Benefits in Human Life

Technological developments have changed many things, including in the field of science. Now emerge a new popular science called Bioinformatics.

Definition of Bioinformatics

Arli Aditya Parikesit, Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), said that Bioinformatics is the application of data science for the needs of the biological field.

In this science, someone is required to collect and analyze biological or bioscientific data, to finally produce scientific data to help to solve health, environmental, and food problems.

Why is it important?

For example, said Arli, by accessing and optimizing genome and proteome databases for drug and vaccine design. Therefore, Bioinformatics is one of the most important sciences to be studied nowadays.

“Data is the new oil. If data, especially biological data, can be processed properly, it will produce useful and valuable information,” said Arli, quoted by in an i3L press release, on Monday (26/7/2021).


For example, he continued, the phenomenal COVID-19 mRNA vaccine made by Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna was initially designed using molecular simulations based on Bioinformatics devices.

Likewise with the early design of antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS, where scientists used bioinformatics science from the 90s for this purpose.

He continued, currently, all major pharmaceutical industries have a Bioinformatics division with various names suitable to company needs.

On the other hand, studying Bioinformatics is also considered important to solve environmental problems such as waste treatment solutions, as well as food, such as the development of new supplements.

“The rapid development of Covid-19 vaccines and drugs is partly due to the role of Bioinformatics. Even the discovery of new SARS-CoV-2 variants such as the alpha and especially delta variants, which are ‘attacking’ our country, is helped a lot by Whole data analysis. genome sequencing with Bioinformatics equipment,” as He said further.

The Future

Currently, scientists are also conducting extensive research on the possibility of the emergence of another type of coronavirus that has the potential to cause further pandemics.

The world is also flocking to make research to find universal ‘drugs and vaccines that can overcome all types of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 with the help of Bioinformatics.

“Therefore, the prediction of the occurrence of a pandemic, as well as genomic surveillance will be done more quickly, precisely, and accurately. So there is no need to wait long for the identification of new coronavirus variants and types.”

Seeing these developments, it is not surprising that the demand for Bioinformatics experts is increasing worldwide. Between 2020 and 2027, the global Bioinformatics market is predicted to increase by 13.4 percent annually.

Bioinformatics Bachelor's Program

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