CoDaIII Give Us A glimpse of the Birth Of The Universe
Space, the final frontier
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise
Its five-year mission
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life
And new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before
That was the opening line that every Trekkies in the world know well. UUS Enterprise is a starship that wondering and explores the edge of the universe. It is only Sci-fi pop culture from the 60s but even then people already imagine what the universe looks like. The ever-wonder question of how the universe begin? is already in the mind of mankind. this is reflected in science fiction works such as films, books, or song lyrics.
We probably don’t have to wait any longer to find out how that happens. recently a supercomputer was able to animate a simulation that shows our universe changing from a smooth, cold gas cloud to the lumpy scattering of galaxies and stars that we see today. This simulation gives a complete, detailed, and accurate reenact of the evolution of the universe.
According to an article in Science News written by James R Riordan ” This virtual glimpse into the cosmos’s past is the result of CoDaIII, the third iteration of the Cosmic Dawn Project, which traces the history of the universe, beginning with the “cosmic dark ages” about 10 million years after the Big Bang. At that point, hot gas produced at the very beginning of time, about 13.8 billion years ago, had cooled to a featureless cloud devoid of light, says astronomer Paul Shapiro of the University of Texas at Austin.”
there is a 1:12 video on the Science News YouTube channel where you can watch this breathtaking process of the birth of the universe.
still quoted from the same article by Science news, further explains that “CoDaIII is the first simulation to fully account for the complicated interaction between radiation and the flow of matter in the universe, Shapiro says. It spans the time from the cosmic dark ages and through the next several billion years as the distribution of matter in the modern universe formed.
The animation from the simulation, Shapiro says, graphically shows how the structure of the early universe is “imprinted on the galaxies today, which remember their youth, or their birth or their ancestors from the epoch of reionization.“
What was once only conceivable by the human imagination can now be witnessed in reality. even so, there are still many mysteries that have not been revealed about the universe as the universe itself constantly expanding. Our best hope is we could answer them one by one. To infinity and beyond.
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