i3L had the amazing opportunity to welcome British Council Delegations to our campus. We are delighted to welcome the representative Andy Williams (Chief Operating Officer), Hugh Moffatt (Country Director in Indonesia), and Richard Hookway (Trustee).
About Going Global Partnership Grant
The Grant of around £200,000 will be provided to seven UK universities to partner with seven universities from Indonesia for running a project that will support greater internationalization of HE institutions and transnational education or TNE [thematic priority in Indonesia]. Each successful proposal will receive max of £30,000 grant which shall only be used to cover project activities which will contribute in achieving GGP short and long term outcomes including:
• UK and local HEIs have improved relevant market understanding and access
• Increased scale and effectiveness of UK TNE and Joint Teaching Programme including digital delivery
• Students, graduates, researchers, staff, and policymakers develop a greater international outlook
• Increased mobility to and from the UK by students, graduates, researchers, staff, and policymakers
• Internationalised institutions improved capacity building, quality, and increased international awareness
Three third-year students from i3L have successfully secured placements at University of Dundee’s labs.
Congratulations to Christian Hanbali, Enrica Salim, Aurellia Winaya.
Their visa and travel costs will be funded by the going global partnership grant from British Council.
i3L School of Life Sciences
Biomedicine study program offered in i3L focuses on research and innovation that bridge the research on human health with drug development.
Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur 13210, Indonesia.
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