Alumni Talk 2024: Crossing the Right Bridge from Academic Studies to Professional Success
Author: Hanny Honggo (BT ‘22)
Jakarta, 8 October 2024 – The SCi Learning & Development Division hosted Alumni Talk 2024, an exclusive talk show themed “Crossing the Right Bridge from Academic Studies to Professional Success!” More than a hundred enthusiastic students attended, eager to hear advice and stories from our alumni about their experiences studying in i3L and their successful professional journeys.
As students, it is normal to feel lost and uncertain when choosing a major, picking the right academic stream, or deciding between a career in academia or industry after graduation. That’s why hearing from those who have walked this path before is invaluable. At Alumni Talk 2024, we were joined by six fantastic alumni from various majors, all of whom are excelling in their careers. These alumni have paved the way in careers such as research and development, medical liaison, marketing, project management, strategic management systems, and consulting. For many students, it was an eye-opening experience to hear about the intricacies of these industries, as well as the stories of how the alumni made smart career decisions and overcame challenges to excel in their respective fields.
The Q&A session was a highlight of the event. Students were buzzing with questions, and the alumni were more than happy to share their experiences. They offered valuable advice on how to seize the right opportunities during university to develop valuable skills and experiences, and shared some pro tips on navigating the recruitment process. Hearing their stories of perseverance and success gave us a powerful insight on what is possible after graduation. The alumni’s encouragement also helped many students feel more confident in solidifying their major choices, while the chance to personally connect with them opened doors to valuable networking and mentorship opportunities, which are key elements for future career success.
By the end of the event, students were left not only with inspiration, but also with a newfound clarity and purpose. Armed with new insights, they are now ready to dive deeper into their studies and start building the foundations of their future careers. Alumni Talk 2024 wasn’t just a talk show–it was an unforgettable experience filled with mentorship, connection, and encouragement that will have a lasting impact on everyone who attended.
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Samhain, which is pronounced sow-in, is of Gaelic origin which means “summer’s end”. It was a pagan celebration marking the end of the summer and welcoming the harvest of the new year. The Celts believed that during Samhain, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest, and spirits are able to roam about the land of the living. That is why people would often light bonfires and wear costumes to disguise themselves as harmful spirits and in turn avoid harm.
As Halloween evolved from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, it merged with Christian traditions during the 9th century. Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as All Saints’ Day, and the night before became All Hallows’ Eve, later known as Halloween. Over time, especially in North America, Halloween shifted from a formal occasion to a festive occasion. Traditions like carving pumpkins, dressing up in costumes, and trick-or-treating became popular, making it a widely celebrated cultural event focused on fun, creativity, and all things spooky.
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