Makassar has enormous potential to be the driving force of Indonesia’s economy through their resources such as the industry sector, fisheries, food, and ecotourism. To assist the Makassar government to fulfill the city’s potential, i3L organized an international conference in Makassar in 2019.

In collaboration with the Makassar government, Golden Gate Education, and University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, i3L held the 2019 Integrated Conference on Eurasia-Pacific Business Management (ICEPBM) titled “What is the future of Eurasia Pacific?” in Makassar, October 31st – November 1st, 2019.

We opened submission for research papers and case studies, we also provided an opportunity not only for scholars to share their recent research, but also for practitioners to share their insights on the industry. This conference was attended by 156 participants from international and local universities, industries, and government.

The main theme of the 2019 ICEPBM was “What is the future of Eurasia Pacific?”. This conference aimed to bring researchers and practitioners together to facilitate and lead discussions on related topics: the aim of these discussions was to help with the development of Makassar. This conference was also a part of the Master’s Program Curriculum at i3L – the Master in Bio Management program – which enabled students to convert scientific research into innovative products.



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