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The study program of Bio Medicine (Bio Medis dan Rekayasa Hayati) of i3L underwent a field assessment for re-accreditation of the study program, which was carried out by the Indonesian Independent Accreditation Institution for Medical Studies (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Kesehatan Indonesia, LAM-PTKes). The arrival of the Lead Assessor, Dr. Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, drg, MSi, from the Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, as well as the accompanying assessor, Prof. Dr. dr. Dessy Rakhmawati Emril, Sp.N(K) from Universitas Syiah Kuala in Aceh, was received by the Rector Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) Ms.Katherine, S.T., Ph.D., as well as the entire board of management and faculty. The assessment was carried out for 3 days (1-3 November 2022).

The first day of the field assessment was started with an opening speech and an introduction to the members of the Faculty of Bio Science by the Dean of the Faculty of Bio Science apt. Pietradewi Hartrianti, M.Farm., Ph.D., which was followed by a presentation from the Head of the Study Program of Bio Medicine, Elizabeth Sidartha, BSc., M.Sc. The assessment began with the confirmation of the sufficiency and qualifications of the lecturers in the faculty and the study program which was carried out by the Document-Compilation Team for the accreditation, followed by interviews with the lecturers.

On the second and third days, Dr. Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, drg also conducted interviews with several of the study program’s students: Mesyalie and Richie Justin from the class of 2019, Olivia Putri and Bianca Thomas from the class of 2020, as well as Lawrence Mario from the class of 2021. This was followed by interviews with employers from several industries who employ graduates from the study program such as GSI (Genomic Solidaritas Indonesia) and Kalbio Global Medika. At the same time, Prof. Dr. dr. Dessy Rakhmawati Emril, Sp.N(K) also conducted hybrid online-offline interviews with alumni who now reside in Singapore (Evelyn), the UK (Shivanki), and Alvaro. Next, the assessors interviewed the teaching staff.

After the interviews, the two assessors from LAM-PTKes also evaluated the sufficiency and quality of the educational facilities, assessed the practicals carried out in the labs and in the library, as well as the sufficiency and quality of health services are used by the students to do fieldwork in GSI (Genomik Solidaritas Indonesia). Furthermore, the assessors interviewed dr. Meutia Ayuputeri Kumaheri, M. Res., as the user of the graduates in GSI.

At the end of the assessment, the assessors signed the acceptance of the official report of the assessment, which was also signed by the Dean and the Head of Study Program. After carrying out the assessment for three days, the assessors gave their impressions and their wishes towards i3L, one of which was that Dr. Dewi hoped that i3L may be more well-known and that the assessors would like to collaborate in carrying out research with lecturers from i3L.

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